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    Blog Post – Necroepilogos

    This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the Necroepilogos story.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mattis sapien, sed consectetur nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam vehicula massa vel ultrices accumsan. Vivamus faucibus purus a nisl vehicula maximus. In rutrum convallis dolor id ornare. In aliquam mollis lectus molestie pulvinar. Duis tristique maximus nibh bibendum pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce mi mi, consequat sit amet accumsan non, aliquam eget nunc. In mattis mauris eget urna consequat, id eleifend urna accumsan. Morbi id nunc erat. Ut venenatis condimentum mauris, a condimentum massa pulvinar et. Nulla varius mi urna, vel lacinia sem gravida vitae. Donec tortor neque, vestibulum non est hendrerit, luctus finibus dui. Sed nec dui at orci interdum placerat. Integer magna ipsum, feugiat viverra ante nec, egestas tincidunt tortor. Mauris sollicitudin auctor justo sit amet finibus.

    Proin non leo quis diam lacinia vestibulum. Morbi non ex diam. In feugiat, tortor sed mattis vestibulum, turpis eros sodales leo, ut aliquam est tortor eget odio. Morbi ut imperdiet nunc. Sed posuere neque lacus, vitae vestibulum ipsum luctus non. Praesent nec gravida libero. Maecenas laoreet congue ultricies.

    Sed vitae ante condimentum, tristique justo vel, fringilla lacus. Integer ac nisi nec lectus malesuada dignissim. Nunc lacinia volutpat dui, in condimentum nibh posuere in. Donec dignissim varius nulla et eleifend. Quisque nec quam massa. Proin luctus mi venenatis fringilla auctor. Suspendisse imperdiet, nisl nec viverra auctor, est magna mollis mi, et commodo quam felis in tellus. Curabitur a blandit tortor. Nullam velit metus, dictum sit amet sapien ut, ultrices porttitor ante. Integer sit amet erat urna. Quisque fringilla fermentum nisi in consequat. Vivamus in rutrum purus. Nunc sit amet enim vitae massa viverra iaculis.

    • Necroepilogos Cover
      by Hungry Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • corpus – 1.1 Cover
      by Hungry A blossom of alchemical fire grew in quiet flesh; a spark took hold in the wet crimson darkness of muscle and marrow and memory. And Elpida choked back to life inside her own coffin. Blank grey steel, inches from her nose. Eyes aching like spent coals, lids rasping like sandpaper. A shallow layer of cold, greasy fluid clung to her back, her buttocks, the undersides of her legs. Hair slicked to her skull and stuck to her neck. A faint blue glow came from left of her head, illuminating her naked…
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction