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    A web fiction / novel theme for WordPress


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    Stories 5
    Words 168.7 K
    Comments 6
    Reading 14 hours, 3 minutes14 h, 3 m
    • The Last Resort Cover
      by Monochromatic Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
      Original • Comedy • Drama • Slice of Life
    • Crimson Lips Cover
      by Monochromatic Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Cindermere, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
      Original • Drama • Romance • Sex
    • The Sapphire Shadow Cover
      by James Wake Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
      Original • Action • Crime • Cyberpunk • Science Fiction
    • Necroepilogos Cover
      by Hungry Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • Katalepsis Cover
      by Hungry Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Girls Love • Romance • Urban Fantasy