Demonstration of all shortcodes and some possible configurations. See documentation for more details.
Story Actions Shortcode
Renders the action row of the specified story. All buttons and links will work as if on the story post, aside from the sharing modal which always refers to the current page. This only works on pages with the “Story Page” template set and is intended to create a single-story-centric front page.
story_id (*): The ID of the story.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
follow: Whether to render the Follow button (if enabled). Default true.
reminder: Whether to render the Reminder button (if enabled). Default true.
subscribe: Whether to render the Subscribe button (if enabled). Default true.
download: Whether to render the ePUB/eBook download button (if enabled). Default true.
rss: Whether to render the RSS link (if enabled). Default true.
share: Whether to render the Share modal button (if enabled). Default true.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
Renders the chapters, groups, and tabs of the specified story. It will look just as if on the story post. This only works on pages with the “Story Page” template set and is intended to create a single-story-centric front page.
story_id (*): The ID of the story.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
tabs: Whether to render the tabs (if any). Default false.
blog: Whether to render the blog tab. Default false.
pages: Whether to render the custom page tabs. Default false.
scheduled: Whether to render the scheduled chapter note. Default false.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
This is an extra page attached to the story. You can add up to four pages with any content here, provided you also fill out the Short Name property. As you can see, there is not much space for the tabs, so take that into account. Although they can wrap without breaking the layout, it does not quite look as good.
Blog Post – The Last Resort: This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the The Last Resort story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus…
Story Comments Shortcode
Renders the button to load the collective comments made on chapters in the story. Not to be confused with the comments you can make on the page, which are completely separate. This only works on pages with the “Story Page” template set and is intended to create a single-story-centric front page.
story_id (*): The ID of the story.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
header: Whether to render the heading with count. Default true.
Renders a single datum from the specified story, such as the word count or age rating. You can use this to show your own self-updating statistics. Just omit the shortcode block and write it directly into the text.
data (*): The requested data, singular. Choose between word_count, chapter_count, status, icon (status), age_rating, rating_letter, comment_count, id, date, time, datetime, categories, tags, genres, fandoms, characters, and warnings.
story_id: The ID of the story. Defaults to current post ID.
format: Special formatting for some data. Mostly used for counts, use “short” or “raw”.
date_format:Formatting string for the date. Defaults to your WordPress settings.
time_format:Formatting string for the time. Defaults to your WordPress settings.
separator: String between list items, such as tags. Defaults to “, ” (comma + whitespace).
tag: Wrapping HTML tag. Defaults to “span”.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
inner_class: Additional CSS classes for nested elements (if any), separated by whitespace.
style: Inline CSS style applied to the wrapping element.
inner_style: Inline CSS style applied to nested elements (if any).
The example story Katalepsis has [fictioneer_story_data story_id="13" data="chapter_count"] chapters featured on this site, containing a total of [fictioneer_story_data story_id="13" data="word_count"] words.
The example story Katalepsis has 17 chapters featured on this site, containing a total of 95,765 words.
You can format the word count with "raw" ([fictioneer_story_data story_id="13" data="word_count" format="raw"]) or "short" ([fictioneer_story_data story_id="13" data="word_count" format="short"]).
You can format the word count with “raw” (95765) or “short” (95.8 K).
Katalepsis has the following tags: [fictioneer_story_data story_id="13" data="tags" separator=" | " inner_style="color: var(--red-500);"].
[fictioneer_terms type="character" post_id="228" empty="Nothing to show."]
Nothing to show.
Font Awesome Shortcode
Renders a freeFont Awesome icon, which you could technically do manually in the code editor as well. Somewhat more convenient, I guess? Just omit the shortcode block and write it directly into the text.
class (*): Font Awesome CSS classes, separated by whitespace. You can custom ones, too.
Have some [fictioneer_fa class="fa-solid fa-mug-hot"]
Have some
Tooltip Shortcode & Footnotes
Includes a tooltip modal for the wrapped content, indicated by a dotted underline. Just omit the shortcode block and write it directly into the text. This shortcode also works if your role lacks the shortcode capability. If you enable the footnotes feature under Fictioneer > General > Features, the tooltips will also be appended to the content as footnotes.
Formatting: You can use HTML in the shortcode content attribute, as far as the post sanitizer and user role allows. However, be cautious of nested quotation marks and square brackets, as they can break the shortcode — use HTML entities instead.
Footnotes: There is no difference in use to append the tooltips as footnotes, complete with anchor link. Just enable the rendering globally. You can disable individual footnotes with the footnote="false" parameter (but not the other way around).
[fcnt header="Are you dense?" content="This <em>typically</em> refers to forms that are either literal <strong>skeletons</strong> or the underlying bearing *structure* of objects."]skeletal shapes[/fcnt]
I was trying very hard not to look at the twitching skeletal shapes1 descending from the ridge, creeping toward us through the mist.
Renders a multi-column grid of paginated medium cards ordered by publishing date, descending. Unless you provide the count parameter, only add this once per page since it uses the main query page argument. The thumbnail is either the Landscape Image or Cover Image, depending on the aspect ratio and availability, with chapters defaulting to the parent story.
post_type: Comma-separated list of post types to query. Default post.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of post IDs.
per_page: Number of posts per page. Defaults to theme settings.
count: Limit the number of items. Default -1 (all).
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
orderby: The default is date (published), but you can also use modified and more.
ignore_sticky: Whether sticky posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the image (X/Y). Default “3/1”.
terms: Either inline, pills, or none. Default inline.
max_terms: Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
date_format: String to override the date format. Default empty.
footer: Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
footer_author: Whether to show the author. Default true.
footer_date: Whether to show the date. Default true.
footer_comments: Whether to show the comment count (not in lists). Default true.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.
This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the The Sapphire Shadow story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mattis sapien, sed consectetur nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam vehicula massa vel ultrices accumsan. Vivamus faucibus purus a nisl vehicula maximus. In rutrum convallis dolor id ornare. In aliquam mollis lectus molestie pulvinar. Duis tristique maximus nibh bibendum pretium. Pellentesque habitant…
I halted at the front gate to Evelyn’s house as Raine stepped onto the garden path. When she realised I wasn’t following, she turned and raised her eyebrows at me. “You have got to be joking,” I said. “Evelyn lives here? Alone?” “Her family owns the house. It’s complicated. Come on, it’ll be fine, she won’t bite, not this time.” We’d left campus about…
There wasn’t much happening in the fashion district at four in the morning. Nadia had parked her scooter some blocks away and calmly walked down small alleys and side streets without seeing a soul. If she had run into someone, all they would have seen was a young woman with a black turtleneck peeking out over the collar of a white trench coat. “Voice…
You have been a mostly wonderful audience. I say mostly if only because to say you are perfect would be to lie, and I rather think we are beyond that, you and I. Nothing in this world is perfect—not the sun, not the moon, not the stars and not even my beloved herself. Nevertheless, you have listened, you have spoken, and you have accompanied…
Pira’s intel was good; the service lift was right where she’d said it would be, fifty feet down a corridor off the side of the atrium. But that corridor was kinked into a trio of awkward corners, narrowed into choke-points, and punctuated by a steep switchback ramp. Empty hard-points pockmarked the walls and ceiling like scabbed sockets after tooth extraction. Everything was made of…
Pointing a gun and making a threat was easy, even if that gun weighed fifty kilograms and required a stabilisation rig strapped around the user’s hips. Pulling the trigger would be easy too; Elpida’s mind had already calculated the firefight which would ensue, and she knew it would not be much of a fight. One round from the coilgun would slam a plate-sized hole…
Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself? This is an excerpt for demo purposes. More from the author on
Renders paginated blog posts akin to the main blog page, but with options. Only add this once per page since it uses the main query page argument, avoid combining it with the Article Cards shortcode.
per_page: Number of posts per page. Defaults to theme settings.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
ignore_sticky: Whether sticky posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Comma-separated list of required categories.
tags: Comma-separated list of required tags.
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.
Renders a list of chapters identical to those on story pages, ordered by sequence in the source. Must have either the story_id or chapter_ids parameter, but not both.
story_id (*): ID of a single story. Use either this or chapter_ids.
chapter_ids (*): Comma-separated list of chapter IDs. Use either this or story_id.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
count: Limit the number of items. Default -1 (all).
offset: Skip a number of chapters, which can make sense if you query all.
heading: Show a heading as collapsible toggle above the list.
group: Only show chapters with a specific group name. Beware, this can jump stories.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace. no-auto-collapse prevents default group collapsing (if set).
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
Renders a multi-column grid of small cards, showing the latest four stories ordered by publishing date, descending. Note that the list type behaves a bit different with the parameters.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 4.
type: Either default or compact. The compact variant is smaller with less data.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
orderby: The default is date (published), but you can also use modified and more.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of story post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
source: Set false to hide the author node. Default true.
vertical: Whether to render the cards with the image on top. Default false.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
infobox: Whether to show the info box and toggle on compact versions. Default true.
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the image (X/Y; vertical only). Default “3/1”.
terms: Either inline, pills, or none. Default inline.
max_terms: Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
date_format: String to override the date format. Default empty.
footer: Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
footer_author: Whether to show the author. Default true.
footer_chapters: Whether to show the chapter count (not in lists). Default true.
footer_words: Whether to show the word count. Default true.
footer_date: Whether to show the date. Default true.
footer_status: Whether to show the status. Default true.
footer_rating: Whether to show the age rating. Default true.
footer_comments: Whether to show the comment count (not in lists). Default false.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
by Hungry —Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
by Hungry —Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
by Hungry —Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by Monochromatic —Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by Monochromatic —Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
by Hungry —Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
by Monochromatic —Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by Hungry —Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
Renders a multi-column grid of small cards, showing the latest four updated stories ordered by date of the last chapter change, descending. Note that the list type behaves a bit different with the parameters.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 4.
type: Either default, simple, single, or compact. The other variants are smaller with less data.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
single: Whether to show only one chapter item. Default false.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
source: Set false to hide the author node. Default true.
vertical: Whether to render the cards with the image on top. Default false.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
lightbox: Whether clicking on the thumbnail/cover image opens the lightbox or post link. Default true.
infobox: Whether to show the info box and toggle on compact versions. Default true.
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the image (X/Y; vertical only). Default “3/1”.
words: Whether to show the word count of chapter items. Default true.
date: Whether to show the date of chapter items. Default true.
terms: Either inline, pills, or none. Default inline.
max_terms: Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
date_format: String to override the date format. Default empty.
nested_date_format: String to override any nested date formats. Default empty.
footer: Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
footer_author: Whether to show the author. Default true.
footer_chapters: Whether to show the chapter count (not in lists). Default true.
footer_words: Whether to show the word count. Default true.
footer_date: Whether to show the date. Default true.
footer_status: Whether to show the status. Default true.
footer_rating: Whether to show the age rating. Default true.
footer_comments: Whether to show the comment count (not in lists). Default false.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
by Hungry —Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
by Hungry —Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
by Hungry —Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
2.12 – providence or atoms: First, we retraced our steps. More accurately, Raine retraced our steps and led me in her wake. She left no question as to who was going first, back through the double-doors to the corridor of Not-Willow-House. A familiar transformation came over her – watchful, alert, tense. My hand felt clammy in hers, my heart in my throat. In the fake corridors she eased each set of doors open with the tip of her boot, waited for any nasty surprises to jump out at us before proceeding. The Medieval Metaphysics room was gone. As was the back staircase and all the windows; each set of internal double-doors led to another identical stretch of whitewashed corridor, with four classroom doors on each wall and a noticeboard full of philosophy department flyers.…
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
A Reflection on God: People will always think they know what and who you are. No matter what one does, what one says, what one is, they will slam a gavel in their mind and declare their verdict, weighing you down with the handcuffs they’ve now so rudely locked on your wrists. This man is a no-good deadbeat. This woman is a snob. This boy can do no wrong. This girl’s a whore. It can’t be helped, I suppose. There are scholars out there who I’m sure can explain this a thousand times better than I could dream of, but we label things to understand them, to know how they fit in the universe. Even this story fell victim to that, no doubt. From the very moment I decided to speak about my life, assumptions were made. This is the story about a prostitute.…
[fictioneer_latest_updates type="compact" genres="cyberpunk, slice of life" vertical="true" seamless="true"]
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
05 – Cheshire Cat: Days later, Nadia stepped out of the Pass out From Exhaustion Suite cursing the late-afternoon sunlight. The suite had really been earning its name lately. She shuffled along, wiping her eyes, legs stiff and screaming with every motion. “Look who’s up!” Tess said, far too cheerily. She was at one of her workbenches, wearing huge safety goggles as she did…something. Nadia’s eyes were too weak just yet. She fumbled around at one of her desks, having already given up on coffee—it was never strong enough. Instead she popped open a can of something vile and green, one of those saccharine energy drinks Tess loved so much. She chanced a sip, grimaced, then gulped more down. Bitter and nasty, hiding badly behind tawdry sweetness. But it was…
by Monochromatic —Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
Of Bridges and Buses: We are all stories in the end. Your heart will stop, your breath will cease, your flesh will rot, but your story? It will live on and on, in the memories of those around you, in the dozens upon dozens of little echoes you left in your old apartment, in the corner of the local bar, in the scars you left while living on Earth. Two people sit at a bus stop. What they look like isn’t important. Neither are their names. The one on the left holds a paper in their left hand, the thin sheet gently folding in their grip. The one on the right is drumming their right-hand fingers on the bench’s armrest, the rhythmic tapping a soothing lullaby. Their free hands rest at their sides on the bench, their fingers merely inches away…
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
by Monochromatic —Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women forge an unlikely bond and explore the answer to a simple question: is selling your body the same as selling yourself?
by James Wake —Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
by Hungry —Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
by Monochromatic —Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.
Renders a multi-column grid of small cards, showing the latest four chapters ordered by publishing date, descending. Note that the list type behaves a bit different with the parameters.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 4.
type: Either default, simple, or compact. The other variants are smaller with less data.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
orderby: The default is date (published), but you can also use modified and more.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of chapter post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
spoiler: Set true if you do not want to obfuscate the excerpt. Default false.
source: Set false to hide the author and story nodes. Default true.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
vertical: Whether to render the cards with the image on top. Default false.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
lightbox: Whether clicking on the thumbnail/cover image opens the lightbox or post link. Default true.
infobox: Whether to show the info box and toggle on compact versions. Default true.
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the image (X/Y; vertical only). Default “3/1”.
date_format: String to override the date format. Default empty.
footer: Whether to show the footer (if any). Default true.
footer_author: Whether to show the author. Default true.
footer_words: Whether to show the word count. Default true.
footer_date: Whether to show the date. Default true.
footer_comments: Whether to show the comment count (not in lists). Default true.
footer_status: Whether to show the status. Default true.
footer_rating: Whether to show the age rating. Default true.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
by Hungry in Katalepsis— “Can’t miss it” turned out to be a typically Raine-like oversight. The Medieval Metaphysics Department was hidden away in the furthest corner of Sharrowford University’s “new” building, Willow House, a snaking four-story structure of Brutalist…
by Hungry in Katalepsis— Slipping was never the same twice. Once, when I was twelve years old, it gripped me as I stepped into the shower. A jerk and a twist and another world bloomed around me; I crept naked for hours through a rotting jungle beneath a throbbing black sun. My…
There wasn’t much happening in the fashion district at four in the morning. Nadia had parked her scooter some blocks away and calmly walked down small alleys and side streets without seeing a soul. If she had run into someone, all they would have seen…
Days later, Nadia stepped out of the Pass out From Exhaustion Suite cursing the late-afternoon sunlight. The suite had really been earning its name lately. She shuffled along, wiping her eyes, legs stiff and screaming with every motion. “Look who’s…
There wasn’t much happening in the fashion district at four in the morning. Nadia had parked her scooter some blocks away and calmly walked down small alleys and side streets without seeing a soul. If she had run into someone, all they would have seen…
Elpida took command. “Into the gravekeeper’s room, now!” Click-click-click went metal on metal, racing down the lift shaft. “Amina, hold onto that shield and get behind the wall. Vicky, grab three more ballistic shields, toss them back…
Renders a multi-column grid of small cards, showing the latest four recommendations ordered by publishing date, descending.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 4.
type: Either default or compact. The compact variant is smaller with less data.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
orderby: The default is date (published), but you can also use modified and more.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
vertical: Whether to render the cards with the image on top. Default false.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
lightbox: Whether clicking on the thumbnail/cover image opens the lightbox or post link. Default true.
infobox: Whether to show the info box and toggle on compact versions. Default true.
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the image (X/Y; vertical only). Default “3/1”.
terms: Either inline, pills, or none. Default inline.
max_terms: Maximum number of shown taxonomies. Default 10.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
Renders dynamic grid of thumbnails with title, showing the latest eight posts of the specified type ordered by publishing date, descending. The thumbnail is either the Landscape Image (if available) or Cover Image, with chapters defaulting to the parent story.
for (*): Required. Either chapters, stories, collections, or recommendations.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 8.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
order: Either DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending). Default DESC.
orderby: The default is date (published), but you can also use modified and more.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
fandoms: Limit query to a comma-separated list of fandom names (case-insensitive).
genres: Limit query to a comma-separated list of genre names (case-insensitive).
characters: Limit query to a comma-separated list of character names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
no_cap: Set true if you want to hide the captions. Default false.
aspect_ratio: CSS aspect-ratio value for the item (X/Y).
quality: Either snippet, thumbnail, cover, medium, medium_large, large, or full. Default medium.
height: Override the item height. Superseded by aspect_ratio.
min_width: Override the item minimum width (it will be stretched to fill the space).
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
splide: Configuration JSON to turn the grid into a slider. See Slider.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
Any shortcode with the splide parameter can be turned into a slider. Splide is a flexible and lightweight slider that comes with many options for customization, although applying them may be challenging if you are not familiar with JSONs. You can look up the details yourself.
The splide parameter only accepts JSON strings, such as splide="{'type':'loop','perPage':3}". Note that you need to use single quotes due to the shortcode syntax. If there is even a minor error, the JSON will be rejected with a note, and the shortcode will default to its standard layout. Not all parameter combinations have been tested with Splide, so custom CSS may be required in some cases.
If you do not want to initialize a slider on page load, you can add the no-auto-splide CSS class via the class parameter in the shortcode or custom HTML (where the splide class is). Normally, Splide’s assets are only enqueued when a shortcode with the necessary parameter is found in the post content, but you can enable Splide globally under Fictioneer > General > Compatibility.
If you enable Splide globally (or have a slider shortcode on the same page), you can use the HTML block to create your own Slider. Just copy the base structure and add any slides you like, although you will need to style them yourself using custom CSS. Initialize the slider with the data attribute JSON, but this time with double quotes as shown in the example. Unlike with shortcodes, navigation arrows are enabled by default but can be turned off with "arrows:" false.
Renders the last blog post or a list of blog posts, ignoring sticky posts, ordered by publishing date, descending.
post_status: Either publish or future, albeit others are possible. Note that by default, any post status except publish returns a 404 page for guests and low-permission users. Default publish.
count: Limit the number of items. Default 4.
author: Limit posts to a specific author nice_name. Make sure to write it right.
author_ids: Limit posts to a comma-separated list of author IDs.
post_ids: Limit query to a comma-separated list of post IDs.
ignore_protected: Whether protected posts should be ignored or not. Default false.
only_protected: Whether to query only protected posts or not. Default false.
exclude_author_ids: Comma-separated list of author IDs to exclude.
exclude_cat_ids: Comma-separated list of category IDs to exclude.
exclude_tag_ids: Comma-separated list of tag IDs to exclude.
categories: Limit query to a comma-separated list of category names (case-insensitive).
tags: Limit query to a comma-separated list of tag names (case-insensitive).
rel: Whether a post must fulfill all (AND) or either (OR) taxonomy requirements. Default AND.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
cache: Whether the shortcode should be cached. Default true.
The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.
Renders a multi-column grid of small bookmark cards, ordered by date of creation. The bookmarks are stored in the browser and appended to the document via JavaScript. You can combine this with the show-if-bookmarks hidden additional CSS classes, displaying a headline or other element only if bookmarks are present.
count: Limit the number of items. Default -1 (all).
show_empty: Set true if you want a “No bookmarks” note if empty. Default false.
seamless: Whether to remove the gap between the image and frame. Default false (Customizer).
thumbnail: Whether to show the thumbnail/cover image. Default true (Customizer).
Renders a contact form with various (optional) fields. Submissions are validated, sanitized, have basic spam protection, and are checked against the WordPress disallow list under Settings > Discussions. If valid, the submission is sent to the email addresses listed under Fictioneer > General > Contact Form Receivers. If the list is empty, the admin email address is used instead.
title: Title of the form shown in emails. Defaults to “Nameless Form”.
submit: Label of the submit button. Defaults to “Submit”.
privacy_policy: Set true if the privacy policy must be accepted. Default false.
required: Set true if all fields must be filled out. Default false.
email: Add placeholder text if you want an email field to show up.
name: Add placeholder text if you want a name field to show up.
text_[1-6]: Custom text fields 1 to 6, e.g. text_1 to text_6.
check_[1-6]: Custom checkboxes 1 to 6, e.g. check_1 to check_6.
class: Additional CSS classes, separated by whitespace.
[fictioneer_contact_form email="Email Address (optional)" name="Your Name (optional)" text_1="Topic (optional)" title="Privacy Policy Contact Form" privacy_policy="true" submit="This Form Leads Nowhere"]
Sidebar Shortcode
Renders the theme sidebar (not displayed anywhere by default). Requires the “Disable all widgets” theme setting to be off. Note that the sidebar has next to no styling.
name: Name of the sidebar in case you add some. Defaults to “fictioneer-sidebar”.
The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.
This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the The Sapphire Shadow story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mattis sapien, sed consectetur nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam vehicula massa vel ultrices accumsan. Vivamus faucibus purus a nisl vehicula maximus. In rutrum convallis dolor id ornare. In aliquam mollis lectus molestie… Read more: Blog Post – The Sapphire Shadow
This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the The Last Resort story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mattis sapien, sed consectetur nulla ullamcorper id. Nullam vehicula massa vel ultrices accumsan. Vivamus faucibus purus a nisl vehicula maximus. In rutrum convallis dolor id ornare. In aliquam mollis lectus molestie… Read more: Blog Post – The Last Resort
[fictioneer_sidebar name="other-sidebar"]
This typically refers to forms that are either literal skeletons or the underlying bearing *structure* of objects.
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