Header Background Image
    A web fiction / novel theme for WordPress


    The purpose of this HTML is to help determine what default settings are with CSS and to make sure that all possible HTML Elements are included in this HTML so as to not miss any possible Elements when designing a site.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor test link, consectetur bold elit. Emphasis congue volutpat strike aliquam. Duis in erat ac justo rhoncus viverra. Aenean underline lorem nec aliquet rutrum. Donec ullamcorper mauris finibus porttitor dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean eu sem in ante tempor commodo. Sed tincidunt lorem elit, ac facilisis justo suscipit tempor. Nulla elit diam, pharetra non condimentum in, lobortis sit amet nibh.

    Lorem superscript dolor sit amet subscript, consectetur code snippet elit. Nullam congue spoiler span. Duis in erat ac justo rhoncus viverra. Aenean dapibus lorem nec aliquet rutrum. Donec ullamcorper mauris finibus porttitor dictum. In hac TTRPG habitasse platea dictumst. AVE eu sem in ante tempor commodo. Sed tincidunt lorem elit, ac facilisis justo suscipit tempor. Nulla elit diam, pharetra non condimentum in, lobortis sit amet nibh.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam congue volutpat aliquam. Duis in erat ac justo rhoncus viverra. Aenean dapibus lorem nec aliquet rutrum. Donec ullamcorper mauris finibus porttitor dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ctrl + Shift sem in ante tempor commodo. Sed tincidunt lorem elit, ac facilisis justo suscipit tempor. Nulla elit diam, pharetra non condimentum in, lobortis sit amet nibh.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam congue volutpat aliquam. Duis in erat ac justo rhoncus viverra. Aenean dapibus lorem nec aliquet rutrum. Donec ullamcorper mauris finibus porttitor dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean eu sem in ante tempor commodo. Sed tincidunt lorem elit, ac facilisis justo suscipit tempor. Nulla elit diam, pharetra non condimentum in, lobortis sit amet nibh. Curabitur pharetra odio mauris, sed sollicitudin metus imperdiet sed. Donec at suscipit odio, id tempor est. Sed ut molestie dolor, ut semper augue. Nullam maximus ac neque nec consectetur. Proin facilisis mi quis euismod congue. Ut vitae leo ligula. Cras eget massa at turpis pharetra aliquam a dapibus purus.

    The Sapphire Shadow

    In porttitor nibh nec felis volutpat, in sagittis sem gravida. Sed lorem ligula, posuere pharetra blandit eu, sagittis non ante. Proin sodales bibendum lectus, id dictum turpis convallis ut. Sed ut libero quis mi faucibus malesuada posuere at dolor. Donec ultrices rhoncus tortor, eu elementum nibh faucibus non. Curabitur volutpat sem mauris, vel sollicitudin nibh laoreet malesuada. Etiam blandit enim ac purus vestibulum commodo. Sed pretium eros vel urna ultrices, nec egestas purus blandit. Nunc facilisis eleifend risus at pharetra. Quisque sodales tempor nisl et rhoncus. Vestibulum arcu leo, sollicitudin vitae tortor vitae, fermentum euismod velit. Vivamus sit amet eleifend sapien, vitae porta elit. Ut a nulla egestas, maximus ligula vitae, tempor ligula. Quisque in nunc cursus, rutrum neque sed, dignissim est. Ut dignissim mauris a est condimentum, vel aliquet felis fermentum.

    Maecenas id tellus porttitor, blandit nisl vel, sagittis ligula. Nunc metus neque, varius ac ullamcorper sed, condimentum sed dui. Nullam ac tempor lacus, vitae dapibus ligula. Nulla finibus ante sit amet est ullamcorper, non congue urna ultricies. Etiam sed tortor varius, pharetra tortor et, varius tortor. Quisque ut ante magna. Curabitur dignissim, sem volutpat feugiat faucibus, massa metus condimentum nisi, sed dapibus elit nibh vitae tellus. Maecenas eleifend placerat leo dictum semper. Etiam sed nulla nec lorem fringilla viverra id non nisl. Ut eu euismod tellus. Curabitur auctor massa ac dui tincidunt, vulputate iaculis arcu aliquam. Curabitur et quam nec arcu pretium lacinia sed in nibh. Sed bibendum quis turpis faucibus eleifend. Phasellus sapien mauris, efficitur vel maximus sit amet, vulputate at arcu.

    List Types

    Unordered List

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    Ordered List

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    Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created?

    Dr. Romero

    Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created?

    Dr. Romero

    Gallery Block

    Preformatted Block

       text   that   renders   all   whitespaces.


    Code Block

    <div class="litrpg-box">
      <div class="litrpg-frame">
        <div class="litrpg-body">
          <!-- Start Content -->
          <h3>Cypher has earned 2 Power Points!</h3>
          <small style="margin: -1em 0 .25em; opacity: 0.65;"><strong>Power Level:</strong> 9 &ensp; <strong>Gender:</strong> Female &ensp; <strong>Age:</strong> 24</small>
                <td><strong>Intellect</strong><br>3 <ins>&#9650;1</ins></td>
                <td><strong>Awareness</strong><br>4 <del>&#9660;1</del></td>
            <dd>Close Attack 8, Ranged Attack 4, Attractive, Power Attack, Luck 3, Quick Draw, Eidetic Memory</dd>
            <dd>Acrobatics 5, Athletics 5, Insight 5, Intimidation 6, Investigation 3, Perception 7, Stealth 5, Treatment 3, Close Combat 9, Expertise: Cybertechnology 11</dd>
            <dd>Armor (Protection 13) &bull; Cyborg (Immunity: Fortitude) &bull; Cyberarms (Enhanced Strength 3) &bull; Cyberlegs (Speed 2, Safe Fall) &bull; White Blood (Regeneration 2) &bull; Sensor Array (Counters Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Illusions, Darkvision, Direction Sense, Extended Vision 2, Radio)</dd>
          <p>Experience: 0/200</p>
          <small style="opacity: 0.65;"><a href="https://www.d20herosrd.com/" target="blank" rel="noopener">Mutants &amp; Masterminds OGL Content</a></small>
          <!-- End Content -->

    Custom HTML Block

    You leveled up!

    Cypher has earned 2 Power Points!

    Power Level: 9   Gender: Female   Age: 24
    3 ▲1
    4 ▼1


    Close Attack 8, Ranged Attack 4, Attractive, Power Attack, Luck 3, Quick Draw, Eidetic Memory
    Acrobatics 5, Athletics 5, Insight 5, Intimidation 6, Investigation 3, Perception 7, Stealth 5, Treatment 3, Close Combat 9, Expertise: Cybertechnology 11
    Armor (Protection 13) • Cyborg (Immunity: Fortitude) • Cyberarms (Enhanced Strength 3) • Cyberlegs (Speed 2, Safe Fall) • White Blood (Regeneration 2) • Sensor Array (Counters Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Illusions, Darkvision, Direction Sense, Extended Vision 2, Radio)

    Experience: 0/200

    Mutants & Masterminds OGL Content


    Totally a Rick Roll


    The comment section has been disabled since this is a demo site. But you can try out the comment system on this page.
    Commenting is disabled.
    1. Tetrakern
      Jan 18, '23 at 12:43 am

      Comments can be made sticky!

    2. Tetrakern
      Jan 18, '23 at 1:02 am

      Comments can be submitted and/or loaded via AJAX. The latter is great to circumvent issues with cache plugins but does increase the server strain because the comment section will no longer be cached.

      However, this is for severe issues since Fictioneer is cache-aware and loading and submitting the comment form via AJAX should suffice in most cases.

      1. Tetrakern
        @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 1:09 am

        Additional features are available for registered users, such as comment editing, reporting, and auto-moderation. Authentication via the OAuth 2.0 protocol is possible as well, supporting Discord, Google, Patreon, and Twitch. You are probably better off without having to manage users, though.

      2. Tetrakern
        @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 1:14 am

        You want to use a comment plugin? Why do you hurt me so?

        Anyway, you can disable the theme’s comments and comment features completely, restoring the default WordPress setup for plugins to tinker with. Beyond that, you are on your own.

    3. Tetrakern
      Jan 18, '23 at 12:31 am

      If you are referring to something considered a spoiler, you can use the [ spoiler ] BBCode. This way, you can make sure nobody expects your SPANISH INQUISITION!

      1. Tetrakern
        @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 12:44 am

        But sometimes, things can get out of hand in the comments….

        1. Tetrakern
          @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 12:45 am

          You can close comment threads if disabling the comments is too much. You can still reply to the parent comment, but not this one!

        2. Tetrakern
          @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 12:47 am

          And if someone is completely out of line, you can just hide comments opposed to outright deleting them and disrupting the thread order.

          1. Comment has been marked as offensive.
    4. Tetrakern
      Jan 17, '23 at 10:55 pm

      You can mark comments as private with the eye button next to submit. Only the post author, administrators, and moderators will be able to read the comment. However, you will also not be able to read your comment as guest after a grace period. Replies to private comments are automatically private as well.

      1. Comment has been marked as private.
        1. Reply has been marked as private.
      2. Tetrakern
        @TetrakernJan 18, '23 at 12:52 am

        But if you subscribe to replies with the bell button next to submit, you will at least get direct replies emailed to you. Provided you added an email address. This feature has been disabled for this demo, though.

    5. Tetrakern
      Jan 17, '23 at 10:36 pm

      Images inside in the [ img ] BBCode are wrapped with a button, so they will not load without your consent! This also works with a [ link ] around it. You can see the source in the hover tooltip.
