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    A web fiction / novel theme for WordPress
    Cover of Katalepsis
    OriginalBody HorrorCosmic HorrorGirls LoveRomanceUrban Fantasy


    by Hungry

    Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement.

    Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.

    Heather plunges into a world of eldritch magic and fanatic cultists, trying to stay alive, stay sane, and deal with her own blossoming attraction to dangerous women. But being ‘In The Know’ isn’t all terror and danger. Sometimes the monsters wear nice dresses and stick around for afternoon tea. Sometimes you find you have more in common with them than you think. Perhaps this is Heather’s chance to be something more than the defeated husk she’d grown up as, to find real friendship and meaning among things like herself – and perhaps, out there on the rim of the possible, to bring her twin sister back from the dead.

    This is an excerpt for demo purposes. You can read the full story on www.katalepsis.net.


    This is an extra page attached to the story. You can add up to four pages with any content here, provided you also fill out the Short Name property. As you can see, there is not much space for the tabs, so take that into account. Although they can wrap without breaking the layout, it does not quite look as good.


    • Artworks (or memes)
    • Lore and history
    • Character portfolios (meh)
    • Timeline
    • Glossary
    • Related works
    1. mind; correlating – 1.11.1 – mind; correlating
      8,040 Words
    2. mind; correlating – 1.21.2 – mind; correlating
      5,949 Words
    3. mind; correlating – 1.31.3 – mind; correlating
      5,242 Words
    4. mind; correlating – 1.41.4 – mind; correlating
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    5. mind; correlating – 1.51.5 – mind; correlating
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    1. providence or atoms – 2.12.1 – providence or atoms
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    2. providence or atoms – 2.22.2 – providence or atoms
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    3. providence or atoms – 2.32.3 – providence or atoms
      5,173 Words
    4. providence or atoms – 2.42.4 – providence or atoms
      3,892 Words
    5. providence or atoms – 2.52.5 – providence or atoms
      5,761 Words
    6. providence or atoms – 2.62.6 – providence or atoms
      5,043 Words
    7. providence or atoms – 2.72.7 – providence or atoms
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    8. providence or atoms – 2.82.8 – providence or atoms
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    9. providence or atoms – 2.92.9 – providence or atoms
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    10. providence or atoms – 2.102.10 – providence or atoms
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    11. providence or atoms – 2.112.11 – providence or atoms
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    12. providence or atoms – 2.122.12 – providence or atoms
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    1. Blog Post – Katalepsis: This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the Katalepsis story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mattis sapien, sed…

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