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    21 Results with the "Science Fiction" genre

    • corpus – 1.1 Cover
      by Hungry A blossom of alchemical fire grew in quiet flesh; a spark took hold in the wet crimson darkness of muscle and marrow and memory. And Elpida choked back to life inside her own coffin. Blank grey steel, inches from her nose. Eyes aching like spent coals, lids rasping like sandpaper. A shallow layer of cold, greasy fluid clung to her back, her buttocks, the undersides of her legs. Hair slicked to her skull and stuck to her neck. A faint blue glow came from left of her head, illuminating her naked…
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • Necroepilogos Cover
      by Hungry Nothing walks the black cinder of Earth except the undead leftovers, reanimated by science so advanced it may as well be magic. Twisted into unimaginable forms by flesh-shaping and machine-grafting, the undead are the only remnant of a civilization reduced to bitter ash and organic slurry.
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • The Sapphire Shadow Cover
      by James Wake Nadia was born the heiress to a corporate empire, destined for a life of wealth and privilege in what used to be America. But she would rather spend her time committing high-tech heists, aided and abetted by her oldest friend, Tess. Tess is a technical genius, a snarky hacker who designed and built her own right arm, and together, they pull off a series of daring crimes.
      Original • Action • Crime • Cyberpunk • Science Fiction
    • 01 – Compulsive Cover
      by James Wake It was ugly, really. Horrid. She stared at herself in a small mirror, the gem around her neck barely catching her eye. “Stunning,” the salesman said. “That color is perfect for you.” She ignored him. He didn’t know what he was talking about. The gem on this necklace was too big and tawdry. Not at all like the simple, elegant silver thing a few inches farther down the display, with diamonds so small and clear they looked like pinpricks of light running down the chain. It had caught…
      Original • Action • Crime • Cyberpunk • Science Fiction
    • corpus – 1.2 Cover
      by Hungry Elpida scrambled out of her coffin and landed on cold metal. The drop to the floor was a greater distance than she’d expected, her joints were stiff as fresh-drawn wire, and her soles were slicked with that thin, greasy fluid. Lances of red light strobed and stabbed, a flicker of electric blood in the air; the alarm pulsed out a moaning dirge; voices screamed in terror and pain, sobbed deep and hard, and laughed on the edge of loss. Training took over. Elpida’s body became a coiled spring, fists…
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • Collection

      Science Fiction

      Science Fiction Thumbnail
      An example collection with science fiction stories.
    • rapax – 2.2 Cover
      by Hungry A maze of grey metal corridors, punctuated by abandoned rooms, empty niches, and broken medical equipment; steep stairs with matching metal handrails, the stairways divided in two, with helpful yellow arrows on the floor to indicate which side was for going up and which was for going down; semi-circles of uncomfortable chairs, the fossils of forgotten meetings; atria with glass ceilings looking out on the dead sky, reception desks with broken computer terminals, locker rooms with nothing left inside. Every…
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • 03 – Law of the Land Cover
      by James Wake Officer Jackson hated these calls. Auktoris security already had the scene cordoned off, a picket line of men and women in a ring around the front of the store. Not the rent-a-cop schlubs that were so common around the fashion district—a real Auktoris Private Security team, their answer to police SWAT units. All black, full tactical armor, each face covered with a blank shell of a helmet. She landed her bike nearby, feeling the warm draft of the engine exhaust off the street even through the thick…
      Original • Action • Crime • Cyberpunk • Science Fiction
    • rapax – 2.1 Cover
      by Hungry Pointing a gun and making a threat was easy, even if that gun weighed fifty kilograms and required a stabilisation rig strapped around the user’s hips. Pulling the trigger would be easy too; Elpida’s mind had already calculated the firefight which would ensue, and she knew it would not be much of a fight. One round from the coilgun would slam a plate-sized hole through the middle of Lianna’s bionic spider body. The same round, angled correctly, would also catch Inaya — the crumpled, shrunken,…
      Original • Action • Girls Love • Horror • Post Apocalyptic • Science Fiction
    • 02 – Pilot Run Cover
      by James Wake There wasn’t much happening in the fashion district at four in the morning. Nadia had parked her scooter some blocks away and calmly walked down small alleys and side streets without seeing a soul. If she had run into someone, all they would have seen was a young woman with a black turtleneck peeking out over the collar of a white trench coat. “Voice check,” she whispered. Sensors in the collar of her turtleneck turned the vibrations into words. “Still loud and clear,” Tess said through the…
      Original • Action • Crime • Cyberpunk • Science Fiction