33 Results with the "Romance" genre
Action (20)
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Alternate Universe (14)
Apocalyptic (13)
Body Horror (19)
Comedy (2)
Cosmic Horror (19)
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Cyberpunk (8)
Drama (16)
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Fantasy (21)
Girls Love (28)
Horror (32)
Lesbian (17)
LGB (45)
Post Apocalyptic (13)
Science Fiction (21)
Sex (14)
Slice of Life (2)
Urban Fantasy (19)
1.5 – mind; correlating
“We—” I croaked. “We should leave before I pass out.” I was trying very hard not to look at the twitching skeletal shapes descending from the ridge, creeping toward us through the mist. “Leave?” Evelyn’s voice shook. She took a deep breath and used the stone pillar at her back to pull herself up. She was unsteady on her feet, all her weight on her right leg. “Yes, you can do that, can’t you? You—” Thunder interrupted us. A rolling crash shook the ground, so deep and so…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
2.11 – providence or atoms
For the first couple of years after Wonderland, after my trip down the rabbit-hole, after losing my twin, after the doctors and the hospitals and the drugs and the dislocation, I did speak to spirits. Mostly I screamed at them to go away. Twelve-foot figures of dripping neon had stalked the nighttime hallways of Cygnet Children’s Hospital. Often they’d wander into my room, ghosting through the door and crawling up the walls and watching me in bed, too terrified to sleep. I’d scream and rave and…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
A Fancy Fleur
I wondered about her later that night, lying on the bed of one of the Carousel’s more expensive rooms, a thin silk bedsheet covering half my naked body as the tips of my fingers toyed with a pink crystal hanging from my neck. I wondered about my mysterious stranger and her gaze that had frightened and enraptured me, her strange equations and the haunting words she’d offered me. I wondered if perhaps she wondered about me too. “What are you thinking about, my dear?” I turned my gaze and…-
27.1 K • Completed
2.1 – providence or atoms
Two weeks and a day after the night which altered my life forever, I did a new and brave thing: I answered my front door at eleven in the morning. Might not seem like much, unless you’re used to seeing monsters around every corner. A month ago, I wouldn’t even have acknowledged the knock. That would risk opening the door to a leering skeletal face, or six hundred pounds of fur and blubber covered in mouths, or inviting a nightmare to spend days gibbering and whispering in the corner of my…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
2.12 – providence or atoms
First, we retraced our steps. More accurately, Raine retraced our steps and led me in her wake. She left no question as to who was going first, back through the double-doors to the corridor of Not-Willow-House. A familiar transformation came over her – watchful, alert, tense. My hand felt clammy in hers, my heart in my throat. In the fake corridors she eased each set of doors open with the tip of her boot, waited for any nasty surprises to jump out at us before proceeding. The Medieval…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
In Loving Memory
There is a bench in King’s Pike station whose beautiful green paint has been replaced with crimson rust. On this bench is a plaque commemorating a young boy found frozen to death on it about a century ago. It is the bench I listlessly sat on for hours on end the day I last saw Lady Celestia, and fittingly enough, it was the bench I sat on when Twilight Sparkle and I met for the very first time, two days before her lesson with my sister. We waited for the inner-city train, she and I, both…-
27.1 K • Completed
2.2 – providence or atoms
Between her prosthetic leg and her walking stick, Evelyn put me to shame. Our route took us along Bluebell Road, a twisty humpbacked residential street on the edge of the student quarter, which led up to the university drive. The name was deceptive, not a single bluebell in sight. Defeated looking trees lined the pavement, a half-finished attempt at re-greening. The blustery day plucked at my hair and the hem of Evelyn’s skirt. This was the first time I’d seen her walk any real distance and I was…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
A Reflection on God
People will always think they know what and who you are. No matter what one does, what one says, what one is, they will slam a gavel in their mind and declare their verdict, weighing you down with the handcuffs they’ve now so rudely locked on your wrists. This man is a no-good deadbeat. This woman is a snob. This boy can do no wrong. This girl’s a whore. It can’t be helped, I suppose. There are scholars out there who I’m sure can explain this a thousand times better than I could…-
27.1 K • Completed
2.3 – providence or atoms
Evelyn wound up the parable of The Castle, watching me with faint hope in her eyes. “That’s … very comforting,” I said. I hadn’t yet constructed my own far less optimistic version. She nodded and smiled a sad kind of smile. “It does make some sense of things, even if it’s a bad metaphor. Map isn’t the territory and all that. The other way to think of it, which my mother was fond of, is that God was a poor workman who left a lot of holes in reality, but, eh.” All my two-week-long…-
95.8 K • Ongoing
Empty Cups and Empty Chairs
It is rather simple to deduce what’s missing based on what’s been left behind. A second toothbrush in the bathroom of an old woman’s apartment. A baby’s bib and other such things hidden away in the closet of a quiet couple with sad eyes. A jewelry box under the bed of the local lady’s man, and a dusty engagement ring beneath it. A bracelet hanging on the doorknob of a locked door. In the few days Twilight had been living in Lady Celestia’s mansion, she had… not seen things, no,…-
27.1 K • Completed
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