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    34 Results with the "Magic" tag

    • End’s Beginning and The Carriage that took us there Cover
      by Monochromatic My lips glistened with a rather costly lipstick—my very own blood. The noises around us faded from my mind. They became distant, so very distant, and all that mattered was her. Her, as she held me, and her, now stained with my life’s pulse liquefied. Her thin, weak arms of a scholar surrounded me, so different and distinct than those of the many men and women that had claimed my body before. The curtains fell. In the distance, I heard thunderous applause. “The show must go on,” I told…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • A Reflection on God Cover
      by Monochromatic People will always think they know what and who you are. No matter what one does, what one says, what one is, they will slam a gavel in their mind and declare their verdict, weighing you down with the handcuffs they’ve now so rudely locked on your wrists. This man is a no-good deadbeat. This woman is a snob. This boy can do no wrong. This girl’s a whore. It can’t be helped, I suppose. There are scholars out there who I’m sure can explain this a thousand times better than I could…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Leap of Faith

      Leap of Faith Cover
      by Monochromatic It was on our sixth meeting that Twilight Sparkle did the impossible. “It’s not fair!” Sweetie Belle’s voice echoed in the lobby, the pout on her face doing a fantastic job at making her look like a chipmunk. I’d have noted how endearing it was if I was not busy pouting myself. “Sweetie Belle, honestly!” I whispered urgently, smiling briefly at the curious security guard before glaring at my sister. “Stop arguing, will you?” “No!” she protested, ignoring me when I gestured…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Living After Death Cover
      by Monochromatic You have been a mostly wonderful audience. I say mostly if only because to say you are perfect would be to lie, and I rather think we are beyond that, you and I. Nothing in this world is perfect—not the sun, not the moon, not the stars and not even my beloved herself. Nevertheless, you have listened, you have spoken, and you have accompanied me as I’ve weaved together a tale that isn’t really a tale at all. A traditional story, you see, has a beginning, a middle and an end. This one…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story


      Katalepsis Cover
      by Hungry Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life, relics of schizophrenia and childhood bereavement. Until she meets Raine and Evelyn, that is — self-proclaimed bodyguard and bad-tempered magician — and learns she’s not insane at all. The spirits and monsters she sees are all too real, the god-thing in her nightmares is teaching her how to surpass human limits, and her twin sister who supposedly never existed could still be alive, somewhere Outside, beyond the walls of reality.
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Girls Love • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • mind; correlating – 1.1 Cover
      by Hungry On the day I met Raine, the first thing I did was jerk awake in bed and vomit nightmares into my lap. That’s not quite accurate. If I could purge the nightmares like a bad meal then life would be a lot easier. No, I brought up bile and what little I’d managed to keep down over the last couple of days, then dry-heaved through the aftershocks, shaking and coated in cold sweat. The nightmares had lashed at me for two weeks; last night set a new record of unbroken pain. For a long moment I screwed my…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • providence or atoms – 2.1 Cover
      by Hungry Two weeks and a day after the night which altered my life forever, I did a new and brave thing: I answered my front door at eleven in the morning. Might not seem like much, unless you’re used to seeing monsters around every corner. A month ago, I wouldn’t even have acknowledged the knock. That would risk opening the door to a leering skeletal face, or six hundred pounds of fur and blubber covered in mouths, or inviting a nightmare to spend days gibbering and whispering in the corner of my…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • providence or atoms – 2.2 Cover
      by Hungry Between her prosthetic leg and her walking stick, Evelyn put me to shame. Our route took us along Bluebell Road, a twisty humpbacked residential street on the edge of the student quarter, which led up to the university drive. The name was deceptive, not a single bluebell in sight. Defeated looking trees lined the pavement, a half-finished attempt at re-greening. The blustery day plucked at my hair and the hem of Evelyn’s skirt. This was the first time I’d seen her walk any real distance and I was…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • mind; correlating – 1.2 Cover
      by Hungry “Can’t miss it” turned out to be a typically Raine-like oversight. The Medieval Metaphysics Department was hidden away in the furthest corner of Sharrowford University’s “new” building, Willow House, a snaking four-story structure of Brutalist concrete and brown glass, built in the 1960s to dominate the campus, alongside the Gothic spires and stonework of the university’s tiny old core. I’d fallen in love with the old university buildings on my very first visit. Soaring ceilings and oak…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • mind; correlating – 1.3 Cover
      by Hungry Slipping was never the same twice. Once, when I was twelve years old, it gripped me as I stepped into the shower. A jerk and a twist and another world bloomed around me; I crept naked for hours through a rotting jungle beneath a throbbing black sun. My parents found me curled up under my bed, drooling and insensible. When I was a little older I went missing in the middle of school. Everyone recalled I’d been in biology class, but I never arrived at maths. I’d rounded a corner behind my classmates…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy