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    34 Results with the "Magic" tag

    • The Third Big Question Cover
      by Monochromatic The third time Twilight Sparkle met with me—the same day as her second class with Sweetie Belle—the poor dear still had no idea what to make of me. “Here you are, Miss.” Even as the waiter handed her a glass of lemonade, she was unable to tear her eyes away from me. How rude, the waiter must have thought, when she only half-heartedly acknowledged him. Rude, rude, rude, but really, who could blame the poor dear? She was frustrated, you see. Frustrated by this woman-shaped enigma who…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • mind; correlating – 1.2 Cover
      by Hungry “Can’t miss it” turned out to be a typically Raine-like oversight. The Medieval Metaphysics Department was hidden away in the furthest corner of Sharrowford University’s “new” building, Willow House, a snaking four-story structure of Brutalist concrete and brown glass, built in the 1960s to dominate the campus, alongside the Gothic spires and stonework of the university’s tiny old core. I’d fallen in love with the old university buildings on my very first visit. Soaring ceilings and oak…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • providence or atoms – 2.8 Cover
      by Hungry My stamina gave out long before we caught the Demon. I’d never been very fit. Scrawny legs, no real strength. Hadn’t gotten any serious exercise since childhood. Raine had insisted we not run. Hurrying along Sharrowford’s canted, hilly streets for over an hour was more than enough to drain what little reserves I had. I gave in on the corner of Harries Road, slowed and stumbled to a stop and doubled over with my hands on my thighs, sucking air through a raw throat. The ache in my diaphragm…
      Original • Body Horror • Cosmic Horror • Lesbian • Romance • Urban Fantasy
    • The Fairy in the Garden Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, a gray Sunday afternoon, a little girl visited Lady Celestia’s gardens. “One hour,” her mother had said, giving the girl a meaningful look. “One hour. The gardens close at six.” And in that hour, the girl made the mansion her castle, and the gardens her forest. The maze of hedges, she decided as she walked through them, were the Lost Labyrinth of Mirceille, where many brave soldiers had fought terrible beasts. Not all of them had survived, unfortunately, though she went…
      MLP:FiM • Alternate Universe • Drama • Girls Love • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight